Best treatment for obese bulimic? - bulimic treatment
I'm 21, struggled w / anorexia and bulimia in obese past and I am now as ... and glued. If I try any scheme, at the end, I ... Clean or limit, but my metabolism has stalled. Any tips? I like the exercise, but it's almost embarrassing, like my big tits, as the train and as quickly tired ... Obesity is bad for my health when I was almost underweight. Thank you:)
I really empathize and feel for you hun.
I was anorexic and bulimic for 7ish year. It is not pleasant.
I also have trouble eating as a person "normal" and be quick or restrict or binge and purge.
But I started therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy with my old specialist in eating disorders.
Start Getting the first sentiments, and if you feel healthy in mind, you feel comfortable in themselves.
Then you can start the work.
Are you a crazy goal (presumably before with ED! Done) just said to lose 1 pound in 2 weeks. If you are a better-great!
Start by getting up, if you do not (television, for example) and go up the stairs and down again. Then he sat down, tense muscles and leave - for example, for 10secs legs straight and then relax, do it 10 times more available. then switch to another muscle.
Buy only healthy food when you can. Only a couple of cut fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator. If you want to eat a lot of things that sound and his desire earlier SLow.
I really hope I helped a little.
Please PM and let me know what you do and you just need a rant!
Good luck
Start by walking and eating healthy! I know it's difficult when you ate what you had in the past.
But yes, proceed to facilitate the penetration of the best path. Start walking and then I can start posting things easier. We also get a bra for sport would be a good idea to make it even more convenient. They have a good selection of Target!
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